Thai Food Restaurant
10 Pak She Street Cheung Chau
Reservation: 2986 9993
訂枱電話: 2986 9993

Our new opened Thai Food Restaurant is located on Pak She Street, a quiet neighborhood next to the Bun Festival Temple. There is indoor and outdoor seating for 32 pax. The restaurant opens from 12:30pm to 9:00pm everyday except Wednesday.

新開張之泰式美食餐廳位於北帝廟旁, 提供舒適的室內及室外共有32個座位。營業時間為下午12:30時至晚上9時。歡迎堂食, 外賣自取, 到會及包場。

Our Chef Tiger Phuangkuaeh is originally born in Lopburi, Thailand and moved to Cheung Chau island, Hong Kong 14 years ago. The finger-licking deep fried prawn and charcoal-grilled pork neck meat are the must-try. Set Lunch, Teatime and Dinner are served too.

本店大廚Tiger Phuangkuaeh出生於泰國華富里, 十四年前移居香港長洲島,用心製作各種特色泰式美食。除了必食香葉爆炸蝦外, 泰式炭燒豬頸肉令人吮指回味。午市﹑下午茶﹑晚市均設有經濟套餐任君選擇。

Apart from the popular Thai Singha Beer, we also offer the refreshing Austrian Eggenberg Radler Lime Beer. A wide selection of Thai special drinks is also available on menu. A cold young coconut chill your hot summer days.
